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  • Wednesday, February 20, 2013

    Google's Street View tool is more layered and comprehensive than you might think. While you may be familiar with the orange peg man at the side of Google Maps, there's a lot more different modes and options available once you enter the 360-degree panoramic world of Street View. Explore and discover like a pro with some Street View tips.


    Navigate in Street View

    You don't have to zoom back out of Street View every time you want to take a look at a new location because it's possible to move around within Street View itself. Click the forward and backward arrows beneath your virtual feet, or double-click on a spot in the distance to zoom straight there. Use the compass to turn yourself around. You can also click and drag the peg man using the mini map.

    Check Local Addresses and Places

    Google Street View enables you to check the address of your current location via the overlay box in the top left corner. In some cases you may also see the name of the road you're currently traveling on beneath your feet. Local places, including venues, bus stops and businesses, appear in the Street View window just as they would in Google Maps. Click on any of these points of interest to see more details about them without leaving the Street View screen.

    See Nearby Photos

    In the Street View interface is a drop-down menu listing labels and photos. Labels are the points of interest on the local map, such as businesses and restaurants. Select "Photos" and you can see user-submitted pictures from the local area. These photos may not all be from the exact position you're currently standing at, but they will be in many cases, particularly if you're visiting a famous landmark or tourist spot. Click the cross to return to the original Street View pane.

    Leave the Street

    Google's Street View service now extends far beyond streets, covering footpaths, ski runs and railways too, as well as the interiors of well-known landmarks. Load the Street View portal (link in References) to see a selection of panoramic images from Antarctica, the Great Barrier Reef, the Palace and Park of Versailles and many more areas. Third-party tools are also available, including Globe Genie, that can drop you at a random point in Street View anywhere in the world.


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